Interesting Times
The show must go on and the Mt. San Jacinto College (MSJC) Art Gallery will not disappoint when it proudly presents its annual Student Exhibition in the college's new online gallery on Monday, April 27, 2020.
2D Design
Digital Art
This group show celebrates the immense talent of the student artists at both the San Jacinto and Menifee Valley campuses from the 2019-2020 academic year.
Participating artworks are nominated by instructors whose selection criteria are to represent the best examples and a wide range of subject matter and media. The show features the range of media that students learn at the school, including drawing, painting, two-dimensional and three-dimensional design, ceramic arts, sculpture, bronze casting, photography and digital illustration.
The annual student art show showcases the works of students who are developing their creativity and technical skills at the community college level. Additionally, this exhibition shows the diverse, individual outcomes of instructor and course studio assignments. Although this exhibition is typically presented in our MSJC Art Gallery on the San Jacinto Campus, this new online version will showcase the talents of our students to a potentially broader audience.
The title and theme of this year's exhibition is “Interesting Times.” As the old saying goes: “May you live in interesting times.”
Our students find themselves living in the world at a time of great change. They are now going to be the leaders directing the way into these interesting times. Their work is full of ideas, emotions, beauty and challenging concepts.
This exhibition is a highlight of the year for the campus, students and surrounding community. Please join us in celebrating the artistic expressions of our students at MSJC.
For more information, please visit or contact Art Professor John Knuth at
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