About MSJC
Mt. San Jacinto College is a comprehensive community college that is one of California's 116 community colleges.
A single college District, MSJC serves a 1,700-square-mile area from the San Gorgonio Pass to Temecula. We serve students throughout this region from the San Jacinto, Menifee Valley, Temecula Valley and San Gorgonio Pass campuses, and many off-site locations.
MSJC offers courses and programs that satisfy the transfer requirements of four-year colleges and universities. We offer a variety of vocational and technical programs to prepare students for rewarding careers.
Our faculty members are master instructors, all dedicated to student success, all experts in their fields and all enthusiastic about sharing their knowledge with you. Our classified and professional staff-- including those in counseling, Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS), Accommodation Service Center (ASC), Veterans' Services, Financial Aid and others-- share a commitment to provide excellent service to students. Because we are focused on student success, we ensure that our courses, programs and services are designed with you in mind.
MSJC provides enriching experiences that contribute to a robust student life on campus and go beyond the typical two-year college experience. MSJC boasts intercollegiate teams in men's football, basketball, baseball, tennis and golf; and women's teams in soccer, volleyball, basketball, tennis and softball. Student life is bustling with nearly 30 clubs and a host of activities each month, including student BBQ's, Homecoming events and more. Students can get involved in the Student Government Association (SGA), Honors Enrichment Program, Phi Theta Kappa chapter, leadership classes, Puente Project, Honors Convocations and more. The MSJC Foundation provides support through scholarships and faculty grants.
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