Strong Workforce Programs
What is Strong Workforce?
The Career Education Department at Mt. San Jacinto College is critical in connecting students with the jobs and careers they want.
Among its focuses, the Career Education Practices Unit coordinates career education pathways with middle and high schools as called for in the Governor's Career Pathways Initiative. We prioritize early awareness of career options, linking curriculum at public schools and community colleges, and increasing middle and high school students' readiness and success for postsecondary education and careers in high-demand sectors.
The Career Education Practices Unit also is responsible for implementing the Carl D. Perkins Career Technical Education Act – known as Perkins IV – of 2006, and it conducts compliance reviews and offers technical assistance relating to career education programs at all 115 community colleges.
Our dynamic economy depends on having a large and skilled workforce, and that means California must continually support and refine its efforts at providing workers with the skills and knowledge valued in the workplace. Given the wide range of regional and state needs, ensuring our workforce has the training to keep up with labor market demands can be a challenge. The California Community Colleges' Economic and Workforce Development Program and its Career Education Practices Unit are meeting that challenge.
For more information on Strong Workforce, visit the California Community Colleges website