You cannot be certified for a Double Major or Dual Certificates. You are only able to be certified for one major for Associate degree or certificate at a time per semester.
Veterans Services Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, your Cal Vet Fee waiver must be renewed every academic year. You will need to submit a DVS40 application to your local Department of Veteran's Services office.
For example, if you are planning to use your Cal Vet Fee waiver for 2019 Summer, you will need to submit a 2019-2020 Cal Vet Fee Waiver which will cover all the way until Spring '18 semester.
This program is available to any student receiving VA education benefits and who is attending school three-quarter time or more. An individual working under this program may work at our Veteran Resource Centers at either the MVC or SJC campus.
Work-study students are paid at the state or federal minimum wage, whichever is greater. If you have any questions regarding the work-study program, contact the Veterans Resource Center (VRC) Site Supervisor.
Veteran Work Study Job Description
Veteran Work Study Standards and Expectations
Who is Eligible?
Montgomery GI Bill Active Duty (38 U.S.C. Chapter 30)
Vocational Training and Rehabilitation for Veterans With Service-Connected Disabilities (38 U.S.C. Chapter 31)
Post-Vietnam Era Veterans Educational Assistance Program (38 U.S.C. Chapter 32)
Dependents Educational Assistance Program (38 U.S.C. Chapter 35)
Montgomery GI Bill Selected Reserve (10 U.S.C. Chapter 1606)
Eligible dependents under 38 U.S.C. Chapter 35 may use work-study only while training in a state.
VA will select students for the work-study program based on different factors, including:
Disability of the student.
Ability of the student to complete the work-study contract before the end of his or her eligibility to education benefits.
Job availability within normal commuting distance to the student.
VA will give the highest priority to a veteran who has a service-connected disability or disabilities rated by VA at 30% or more.
The number of applicants selected will depend on the availability of VA-related work at your school or at VA facilities in your area.
How do I Apply?
Complete and submit the following forms to your local Veterans Resource Center, NOT the Department of Veteran Affairs, by email or in person to VRC Site Supervisor, Certifying Official or Counselor.
Both forms must be submitted prior to each semester in order to be considered for the work/study position.
Processing can take three weeks, depending on when you submit your application and if you've been approved to receive benefits. Before your application can be sent to the VA you must be certified to use your benefits at MSJC. Please ensure you have registered for classes and have submitted the forms listed below as soon as possible in order complete your certification for student worker eligibility:
Statement of Responsibility (blue form)
Certificate of Eligibility (proof of certification from VA)
Educational Plan from an educational counselor
Any inquiries regarding veteran’s benefits (ex. Certified courses, pay, or detailed information) please contact the VRC for further assistance.
Please contact Martina Moncada by email at regarding Veteran Work Study Employment inquiries.
MSJC Online Scholarship Application
Mt. San Jacinto College District Foundation offers scholarships for continuing and transferring students.
Qualifications for scholarships vary in requirements. They can be based on the student's major, GPA, number of units completed, county of residence, transfer goal, etc.
To be considered for a scholarship awarded through the MSJC Foundation, a student must complete the general scholarship application within the application timeline. Once the application period closes, all completed applications will be reviewed for eligibility. Eligible applicants will be forwarded for review and selection by the Foundation board and/or outside donors.
Once an application is complete you will be automatically matched to scholarships for which you meet the criteria. You may be prompted to supply additional information for other scholarships. You will be able to see a list of these scholarships when you complete your general application.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the scholarship application process, please contact the Foundation office by email at
Dear Veterans Educational Benefit Recipients:
In order to receive Veterans Educational Benefits, VA requires that you must maintain Satisfactory Progress towards the completion of your education. VA has set standards that in this Satisfactory Progress; you will maintain an acceptable cumulative grade point average of 2.0.
Failure to maintain this standard can result in a termination of your benefits here at MSJC.
If you fail to maintain the 2.0 cumulative GPA for more than two semesters, your benefits will be terminated upon completion of your third semester in which the standard has not been met.
Once a termination for Unsatisfactory Progress has been submitted to the VA for failure to maintain the 2.0 grade point average, MSJC will not be able to submit any future certifications to the VA on your behalf until you have raised your GPA to the satisfactory standard of a 2.0.
As always, it is recommended that you come on into your nearest Veterans Resource Center and discuss with the Veterans Counselor the resources and options that may be available to you to assist you in the successful completion of your educational goals.
Should you have any questions, please contact your Veterans Resource Center.
San Jacinto Campus | Menifee Valley Campus | ||
Veterans Specialist Diana Chacon Phone: 951-487-3249 |
Veterans Counselor Debra Gleason Phone: 951-487-3248 |
Veterans Specialist Benny Rivas Phone: 951-639-5249 |
Veterans Counselor Terry Russell / Leslie Alarcon Phone: 951-639-5234 |
Mt. San Jacinto College is fully approved for the training of students under the various government educational programs for veterans and eligible dependents of deceased or disabled veterans. After filing an application for admission, a veteran wishing to receive one of the VA Educational Benefits should complete all necessary forms in the Financial Aid/Veterans' Office
Veterans Educational Benefits Information
Chapter 33 Post P/11 GI Bill® - 36 months entitlement
The Post - 9/11 GI Bill is a new education benefit program for individuals who served on active duty on or after September 11, 2001. You may receive benefits for any approved program offered by a school in the United States that is authorized to grant an associate (or higher) degree.
Chapter 30 Montgomery GI Bill® - 36 months entitlement
The Montgomery GI Bill - Active Duty, called "MGIB" for short, provides up to 36 months of education benefits to eligible veterans
Chapter 1606 Montgomery GI BIll® Selective Reserve - 36 months entitlement
The Montgomery GI Bill - Selected Reserve is an education program that provides up to 36 months of education benefits to members of the Selected Reserve. An eligible reservist may get education benefits while in a program approved for VA training. This includes the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard Reserves, as well as the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard. It is the first program that doesn't require a person to serve on active duty in the regular Armed Forces to qualify.
Chapter 1607 ReserveEducation Assistance Program (REAP) - 36 months entitlement
REAP (Chapter 1607 of title 10, U.S. Code) is a new education program that provides up to 36 months of education benefits to members of the Selected Reserves, Individual Ready Reserve (IRR), and National Guard, who are called or ordered to active service in response to a war or national emergency, as declared by the President or Congress.
Chapter 31 VA Vocational Rehab - 48 months
The VetSuccess program assists Veterans with service-connected disabilities to prepare for, find, and keep suitable jobs. For Veterans with service connected disabilities so severe that they cannot immediately consider work, VetSuccess offers services to improve their ability to live as independently as possible. You may contact our regional Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor: Louis Dudash (951-791-3503) for additional information.
Dependent's Benefits Information
The California College Fee Waiver (CFW) program benefits the spouse and children of U.S. veterans. Students meeting the eligibility criteria may get their college fees waived if they attend a California Community College, a California State University, or University of California campus.
Chapter 35 Dependent of Veteran GI BIll (DEA) - 45 months entitlement
- Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance Program (DEA) provides education
and training opportunities to eligible dependents of certain veterans who:
- are permanently and totally disabled due to a service-related condition
- are hospitalized or receiving outpatient medical care, services, or treatment; and are likely to be discharged or released from service for this service-connected disability,
- are missing in action or captured in line of duty by a hostile force.
- died while on active duty or as a result of a service related condition.
More Information
And check out the Veterans Benefits videos on MSJC's FATV
If you decide to change your major, you will need to have our Veteran's Counselor supply an updated Education Plan. Your enrollment certification will not be done until a new Education Plan is submitted.
These are courses that are not full semester.
How are the benefits effected?
For example: If you are taking 12 units (full-time) and enrolled in a short term class that is from March to May instead of January to May, you will only be paid 9/12 (3/4 or 0.75) of your housing allowance and pro-rated accordingly. From March to May (short term class) you will get back to full time status and will receive the full benefits.
The MSJC Statement of Responsibility form is also known as the "Blue Form."
It needs to be turned in immediately every semester after you register for courses. Any changes in your enrollment (i.e. adds/drops) will require submission of an SOR. Benefit non- payments and delays are sometimes due to a missing SOR.
If a student decides to change their major, the copy must be submitted along with the SOR form.
Yes, in the Learning Resource Center (LRC). It is located in the library on the San Jacinto and Menifee campuses.
This is your goal pathway that you will follow to obtain your educational goals while attending MSJC.
Developing an educational plan with a counselor involves selecting classes that will meet each requirement for educational goal. The educational plan is for students to meet the general educational requirements and your selected major for a degree. All students using Veterans Benefits will need to have a comprehensive educational plan completed. Student receiving VA benefits must follow educational plan each semester to have classes covered by VA.
To meet with a veterans counselor is available on a walk-in basis at the VRC.
If your Educational Goal is an ... |
Your Educational Plan will include... |
Certificate or Employment Concentration |
Classes that complete the Certificate Core and Elective Course requirements. |
AA/AS degree |
AA/AS General Education Courses and |
Bachelor's Degree without completing an AA/AS degree |
Transferable General Education Courses (CSU or IGETC pattern). This should include transferable Major Preparation courses. |
Bachelor's Degree with an AA/AS degree |
Courses that meet: |
VRC has on-site counselors available on a walk-in basis, no appointments required.
You may call the front desk at either VRC for counselor availability.
Menfee Campus 951-639-5237
San Jacinto Campus 951-487-3247
Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014
In August 2014, President Obama signed the Veterans’ Access to Care through Choice, Accountability, and Transparency Act of 2014 (VACA), into law. Section 702 of the VACA Act requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to disapprove programs of education, if while living in the state of the institution, a covered individual is charged tuition and fees in excess of the rate for resident students. This would mean a loss of GI Bill funding to the institution as a whole (not just the individual) if any eligible student is charged nonresident rates. The requirements of Section 702 go into effect for terms beginning after July 1, 2015. Those considered to be covered individuals include:
- Those receiving Montgomery and Post-9/11 GI Bill educational assistance and enroll within 3 years of discharge after serving 90 days or more on active duty; or
- Anyone using transferred entitlement within 3 years of the transferor’s discharge after serving 90 days or more on active duty; or
- Surviving Spouses or Children under the Fry Scholarship who enroll within 3 years of an active duty service member’s death in the line of duty after serving 90 days or more; or
- Individuals who remain continuously enrolled after initially meeting the requirements and continue to use CH 30 or 33 benefits;
- A veteran eligible for educational assistance under either the Montgomery GI Bill-Active Duty(MGIB-AD) or Post-9/11 GI Bill education benefit programs who resides (lives) in California (regardless of his/her formal state of residence) and enrolls in the community college within three years of discharge from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
- An individual eligible for transferred education benefits under either the Montgomery GI Bill-Active Duty (MGIB-AD) or Post-9/11 GI Bill education benefit programs who resides (lives) in California (regardless of his/her formal state of residence) and enrolls in the community college within 3 years of the transferor’s discharge from a period of active duty service of 90 days ormore.
- [New category] An individual eligible for transferred Post-9/11 G.I. Bill benefits while the transferor is on active duty who resides (lives) in California (regardless of his/her formal state of residence) as described in 38 USC 3679(c)(2)(B)(ii)(II). The 3-year enrollment period limitation does not apply to eligible dependents of active duty service members. This is a new “covered individual” category which was added by the December 2016 VACA Act change.
- An individual eligible for benefits under the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (provides Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits to the children and surviving spouses of service members who died in the line of duty while on active duty) who resides (lives) in California (regardless of his/her formal state of residence). Prior to the December 2016 VACA Act change, individuals using the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship were required to enroll within 3 years of the service members death, and there was a requirement that the deceased service member’s death in the line of duty followed a period of active duty service of 90 days or more. These two requirements were deleted effective July 1, 2017.
- If applicable, after expiration of the three year period following discharge as described in 38 U.S.C. 3679(c)(2)(B)(i) or (c)(2)(B)(ii)(II), A student who qualifies under the applicable requirements above shall maintain “covered individual” status as long the student remains continuously enrolled at the community college, even if the student enrolls in multiple programs, and the student shall continue to be exempt from paying nonresident tuition and other fees that are exclusively applicable to nonresident students. “Continuously enrolled” means enrolled for at least the fall and spring semesters of an academic year, or for at least three of the quarters in an academic year for an institution using the quarter system (pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 5 section 55701, the academic year does not include summer or other intersessions)
If you feel that you are eligible based on the above criteria please bring to your local Veterans Resource Center on campus, the veteran’s DD-214 and the Certificate of Eligibility for VA educational benefits.
In order to obtain a copy of your Certificate of Eligibility, submit your applicable VA application at
For additional assistance please feel free to visit your local VRC.
Veterans Resource Center MVC 28237 La Piedra Rd Menifee, CA 92584 BLDG 2001 951-639-5237 |
Veterans Resource Center SJC 1499 N State St San Jacinto, CA 92583 BLDG 1560 951-487-3247 |
Veterans receive priority registration by turning in DD214.
Dependents do not receive priority.
Please visit Enrollment Services webpage or office for further details.